Yield calculator


The yield Calculator is capable to compare the yields of the investment funds managed by Raiffeisen Fund Management Ltd. and helps you calculate the yield achieved on any individual investment fund.

How to use it?:

1. Set the time period.

Set the start and the end of the investment with the help of the pull-down fields. It is possible that either the starting or the ending date does not have an officially published price. This may happen when weekend days or on any other days when no settlement was possible was set as starting or ending date. It is also possible that you chose a date when the fund did not yet existed and, acordingly, no calculation is possible.

It is also possible that some funds do not have data for the chosen period. This is because the individual funds were offered to public at different dates. For instance:

  • Raiffeisen Bond Fund 1997.10.10
  • Raiffeisen Equity Fund 1997.11.25
  • Raiffeisen Treasury Fund 1998.04.23
  • Raiffeisen International Bond Fund 1999.01.20
  • Raiffeisen International Equity Fund 1999.01.20

2. Set the invested amount for the funds.

The program will calculate yields of those funds only where the invested amount field was set:

3. Click on the Calculate button.

Definition of the columns:

Invested amount:

You may set the invested amount in this field.

Amount (%):

This field shows the percentage weighting of your investment in the individual funds.

Yield in the period set:

The yield of the investment in percentage through the period of the investment.

Yield per Year:

In order to be able to compare investments money and capital markets measure yields also on yearly basis. This column shows the yield per year of the investment.

Value of the investment:

This column shows the gross value of the investment (no commissions cut yet)